You can expect fast response time when you find and copy a bunch of files and folders. Based on the 64-bit architecture, the new APFS is now more secure and responsive, as it was designed for today’s flash technology. New (and better) file system – The new Apple File System (APFS) will change the way your Mac handles and organizes data.High Sierra offers several neat improvements, included are these four upgrades, we think, are the most noticeable: Elevated.” However, it also lays the foundation for additional features like virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR). It was developed mainly for software refinements, thus the tagline, “Your Mac. MacOS High Sierra is basically an improved version of the Sierra. Haven’t joined the bandwagon and upgraded your macOS from Sierra to High Sierra yet? Good thing you’re reading this article before you do because we have some important reminders and tips that might help you ensure a smooth transition from Mac Sierra to High Sierra.